The Harmala Mysteries

Description: A handful of seeds from the Peganum Harmala plant, brewed in a tea in the Middle East, were all it took to change everything. Growing wild and plentiful, the seeds are often used as a red dye in rugs and fabrics or incense for the home. Drinking the tea of the Syrian Rue, it became clear the 'magic carpet ride' was permeated from historical truth, as I sat atop a Persian rug. The mythics and seers would sit tight and travel to visionary spaces to see geometry and structures of a higher dimension. They would learn from the plants, and bring back knowledge to the tribe.

We will only see the edges of the Mystery as we stand and look from afar. But be brave my brother, be oh so brave! Let curiosity steer your course.

Additional information:

This artwork is a 1 of 1. There only is, and only ever will be - one - stored worldwide on any blockchain. The artwork was minted on Solana and can be tracked here. It was sold at auction when released, but can be found on the secondary market.

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