The Visionary World Of Nonsense

Description: Twelve floors below the surface, a crocodile with a party hat appeared as hope before a cast of characters living in a world of nonsense. This was the high priest, appearing in yet another wrapped form. What are the endless permutations of this world of nonsense? For I have lost my mind and am forced to surrender my sense making skills. It is what it is; with my finger on the fishing line detecting the sensations and texture of life from here and over there. There is something channeling through, and here we are again: closer and closer to the center of the fractal.

Additional information:

This artwork is a 1 of 1. There only is, and only ever will be - one - stored worldwide on any blockchain. The artwork was minted on Solana and can be tracked here. It was sold at auction when released, but can be found on the secondary market.

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